SP Bike Auction
Entered By:sp-bikes-chair
Description:The bike auction will require preparation, including cutting locks, and checking bikes for safety.

Cutting locks with Jack's angle grinder will require replacement blades, and some supplies may be necessary to make basic repairs to the reclaimed bikes.

Finally, the bike reclamation process is quite lengthy (last year roughly 40 bikes were reclaimed and checked, thanks to Jake and his room-mate). As an incentive to SP residents to help in the reclamation process, a small dinner will be provided (say order-in pizza). If no-one else participates, this will not be needed.
Location:157 - Multi-purpose
159 - Multi-purpose
160 - Multi-purpose Support
161 - Multi-purpose
163 - Multi-purpose/Kitchen
Date:Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Duration:180 minutes
Organizer 1:N/A
Organizer 2:N/A

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