Casino Rueda Dance Showcase
Entered By:sp-social-chair
Description:A showcase for graduate students in MIT dance
organizations to show off their moves will be presented in an
international dance party setting.
There will be a beginner's salsa lesson taught by the MIT
Casino Rueda Group at the beginning of the night, followed by
a DJ playing international dance music, including hip-hop,
reggae, bhangra, salsa, merengue, and bachata. Halfway
through the evening there will be a show featuring 5-6 short
performances by graduate students in the MIT dance groups,
including the MIT Casino Rueda Group, MIT Dance Troupe, MIT
Ballroom Dance Team, MIT Bhangra, Imobilaire, and MIT
Caribbean Club.
This event will expose graduate students to dance at
MIT, increase awareness of international styles of music and
dance, promote unity within the dance community at MIT, and
provide the MIT community with an evening of fun and
Location:157 - Multi-purpose
159 - Multi-purpose
160 - Multi-purpose Support
161 - Multi-purpose
163 - Multi-purpose/Kitchen
Date:Saturday, February 7, 2004
Duration:540 minutes
Organizer 1:Faye McNiell
Organizer 2:Siddhartha Sen

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