MIT Cultural Treasure Hunt
Entered By:sp-cultural-chair
Description:Participants will form groups of various sizes and depart from the Sidney-Pacific residence. Their main objective will be to explore Cambridge and Boston and answer cultural questions on a wide variety of topics such as music, art, geography, languages, sports, etc. The participants will progress from one stop to another by following the provided clues.

-9 am to 12:30 pm: before departing from S-P, groups will be given a set of 60 questions, 6 clues and one treasure to find. They should try to answer the maximum number of questions, head to the places implied by the clues (organizers will be waiting for them there), and try to get the treasure. Points will be given separately to each of these tasks.
-12:30 pm- 2pm: Lunch break with the organizers. Lunch will be discounted and may be free if the number of participants is not very big.
-2pm-5:30pm: same scenario as in the first part (60 questions, 6 clues, 1 treasure).
The group that scores the highest number of points will win the Treasure Hunt. Bonus points will be given to those who finish each part before time.

By visiting many important cultural venues, new students will learn more of what Cambridge and Boston have to offer. Since this event will be open to the entire MIT community, it will provide an opportunity for current and incoming students to interact in a fun-filled and friendly atmosphere.

The sign up deadline is Sept 10 (S-P front desk), and the participation fee is $2 per person. For more information, please contact
Date:Sunday, September 14, 2003
Duration:510 minutes
Organizer 1:N/A
Organizer 2:S-P Cultural Committee

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