SP Bike Share Program
Rent a bike!

(Coming Soon) You can find on this page information on
  • how to check out a bike at the front desk for only $1/day
  • which bikes are available
  • which bike tools you can find at SP
  • where you can learn how to help yourself with a broken bike
  • how to get involved!

We Want You

We are looking for about 7 volunteers to help to keep our self sustained bike program running over the next term. The most important task of a bike volunteer will be to keep the bike in a usable condition. Depending on the interests of the people involved we can also offer bike repair classes at SP and reconstruct used bikes of leaving residents in order to include them to the rental "fleet" or to sell them to incoming residents.

There is no qualification necessary to get involved. For interested volunteers we will offer a bike repair class at the broadway bicycle school, so over the term we will learn to find our way around. There is always a good time to join :) If you are interested drop an email: sp-bikes-chair (at mit.edu)

Background Info

The bike program is a pilot project that should promote non motorized transportation around MIT and Cambridge. The bike rental is the start and core of the project. Residents can check out bikes at the front desk for a rate of $1 per day. Also helmets, locks, lamps and tools are available. Also bike repair classes and bike swapping between outgoing and incoming grad students shall be part of the program once a proper team has formed.

After an initial investment by MIT (thank you!!) the program will be self-sustained by the residents of SP.

Rental Period

Bikes must be returned within 48 hours of the time they are checked out. If the bike is not returned on time, a fee of $2/day will be taken out of your account.