Committee Webpages

Committee On Scholarly Interactions

CoSI Chair: Xiao Huang, Marie-Laure Charpignon

Sidney-Pacific Lecture Series

Co-sponsored by: Society of Presidential Fellows

Upcoming Lectures

The Neuroscience of Musical Improvisation

Charles Limb
Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Faculty, Peabody Conservatory of Music

More on Charles Limb

Wednesday, April 10, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Past Lectures

A Conversation with President Reif

Rafael Reif
MIT President

Tuesday, February 19, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Everybody Loves Classical Music...they just don't know it yet!

Benjamin Zander
Conductor, Boston Philharmonic Orchestra

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

What's at Stake? Economic Issues in the Upcoming 2012 Presidential Election

Christina Romer
Former Chair of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers

Thursday, September 13, 2012, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Monday, September 22, 2011, 6pm

Sidney Pacific Graduate Residence, Multi-Purpose Room

There's Nothing So Practical as a Good Theory: The Economics Behind Honest Tea

Barry Nalebuff, Milton Steinbach Professor at Yale School of Management, cofounder of Honest Tea, MIT '80

Human Exploration: Performance on Earth & Mars

Dava Newman
Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics and Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

More on Professor Newman

Monday March 8, 2010, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

--- RSVP for the Dinner ---

Presidential Questions & Answers

Susan Hockfield
President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

More on President Hockfield

Monday February 22, 2010, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

God & The Strongest Battalions: A Technological Perspective on the American Civil War

Roe Smith
Professor of History of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

More on Professor Smith

Thursday December 10, 2009, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

More Than Pretty Pictures

Felice Frankel
Photographer & Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Harvard University

More on Felice Frankel

Monday November 16, 2009, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

Technology & Energy

John M. Deutch
Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

More on Professor Deutch

Thursday October 8, 2009, 6:30 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

The Future of Graduate Education

L. Rafael Reif
Provost, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Steve R. Lerman
Vice Chancellor and Dean for Graduate Education, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

More on Provost Reif
More on Dean Lerman

Monday April 13, 2009, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

The Current World Security Situation

Admiral William J. Fallon
Former U.S. CENTCOM Commander, Robert E. Wilhelm Fellow, MIT Center for International Studies

More on Admiral Fallon

Thursday March 12, 2009, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Lecture followed by a dinner hosted by the Housemasters

Infection and cancer: the Helicobacter pylori story

David B. Schauer
Professor of Biological Engineering and Comparative Medicine, MIT

More on Professor Schauer

Thursday February 26, 2009, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Adaptive Experimentation

Daniel D. Frey
Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Systems, MIT

More on Professor Frey

Monday December 15, 2008, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Using the Shuttle, MIR and ISS for Operating Micro-Gravity Engineering Research Laboratories"

David W. Miller
Professor & Director of the Space Systems Laboratory, MIT

More on the Space Systems Laboratory

Monday November 24, 2008, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"U.S. Grand Strategy, Consensus & Critique"

Barry R. Posen
Ford International Professor of Political Science, MIT

More on Professor Posen

Thursday March 20, 2008, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Fins Into Limbs: The Evolutionary Transition from Fish to Tetrapods, A Landmark Event of the Late Devonian"

Farish Jenkins, Jr.
Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University

Talk Abstract
More on Professor Jenkins
News release on tiktaalik

Thursday February 7, 2008, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Rethinking the wealth of nations"

K. Daron Acemoglu
Charles P. Kindleberger Professor of Applied Economics, Department of Economics, MIT

Talk Abstract
More on Professor Acemoglu

Wednesday December 5, 2007, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Image Guided Surgery"

Eric Grimson
Bernard Gordon Professor of Medical Engineering, MIT

More on Professor Grimson

Thursday November 8, 2007, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Tiny Technologies & Medicine"

Sangeeta Bhatia
Associate Professor, HST & EECS, MIT

More on Professor Bhatia

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Functional and Molecular Imaging of Cartilage: from Bench to Bedside"

Martha L. Gray
Director & Professor, Division of Health Sciences & Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
More on Professor Gray

Thursday, April 26, 2007, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century"

Henry Jenkins
John E. Burchard Professor of Humanities, Comparative Media Studies Department

More on Professor Jenkins

Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"The Next Gulf War"

John Tirman
Executive Director, Center for International Studies, MIT
More on Dr. Tirman

Thursday, December 7, 2006, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"How the brain wires itself"

Mriganka Sur
Professor & Head, Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, MIT
More on Professor Sur

Thursday, November 2, 2006, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Smart Cities"

William J. Mitchell
Professor of Architecture & Media Arts and Sciences, MIT
More on Professor Mitchell
More on Smart Cities

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"And Then I Wrote"

John Harbison
Institute Professor of Music, MIT
More on Professor Harbison

Thursday, March 23rd, 2006, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Pharma at the Frontier"

Mark Fishman
President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
More on Dr. Fishman

Thursday, February 23, 2006, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"The Economics of Natural Disasters"

Robert Solow
Institute Professor of Economics, Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nobel Laureate in Economics
More on Professor Solow

Thursday, December 8, 2005, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Why Programming is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily Formulated Ideas"

Gerald Jay Sussman
Matsushita Professor of Electrical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
More on Professor Sussman

Tuesday, November 15, 2005, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"What Do We Need to Know to Land on Mars?"

October 20, 2005

Maria Zuber
E.A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics
Department Head, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
More on Professor Zuber

Thursday, October 20, 2005, 6:00 pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

"Rising Sun? Japan's Military in the 21st Century"
April 7, 2005

Richard Samuels
Director of the Center for International Studies

Ford International Professor of Political Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

6:00pm, Thursday, April 7, 2005
Venue: Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room


"Bringing Down the House? Some Statistics about Two Present Dangers"
March 3, 2005

Arnold Barnett
Nation's Leading Air Safety Expert (NBC News)

George Eastman Professor of Management Science MIT Sloan School of Business

6:30pm, Thursday, March 3, 2005
Venue: Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Spectrum Article
Flight Safety Foundation

"Another Surprise in Molecular Biology, Short RNAs"
December 6, 2004

Phillip Sharp
1993 NOBEL Prize Winner, Physiology or Medicine

Institute Professor, McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Center for Cancer Research, MIT

5:30pm, Monday, DECEMBER 6, 2004
Venue: Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room

Sharp Lab
Time Magazine, "The DNA Revolution"

"Columbia Accident Investigation and other Ventures into Public Service Leadership"

Sheila Widnall

Institute Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Former Secretary of the US Air Force

5:30pm, Thursday, November 4, 2004
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography
National Women's Hall of Fame

"US Intelligence Community"

John Deutch

Institute Professor in Chemistry
Former Director of the CIA

5:30pm, Monday, October 4, 2004
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography

"Hydrogen Economy"

Mildred Dresselhaus

Institute Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics
Former National Science Advisor

5pm, Monday, April 26, 2004
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography
Scientific American on Prof. Dresselhaus

"Big Questions for Business Leadership: Globalization, Outsourcing, Compensation, Environment, Governance .... "

Dana Mead

Chairman of the Corporation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

5:30pm, Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography

"Reflections on the Similarities and Differences in US and Japanese R&D"

George Stephanopoulos

Arthur D. Little Professor of Chemical Engineering
Managing Director, Member of the Board, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

5:30pm, Thursday, February 26, 2004
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography

"Biomaterials and How they will change our lives"

Robert Langer

Kenneth J. Germeshausen Professor of
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

2002 Draper Prize Winner

Sidney-Pacific Honorary House Fellow

5:30pm, Thursday, September 11, 2003
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography
View Poster
Photos of the lecture

"Quantum Information Science:
Putting quantum weirdness to work"

Andrew Landahl

HP/MIT Postdoctoral Fellow
7pm, Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View homepage

View Abstract
View Poster
View Presentation

"Using Nature's Tool to Design Novel Hybrid Nanostructured Materials"

Angela Belcher

John Chipman Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
and BioEngineering

Sidney-Pacific House Fellow

5:30pm, Thursday, October 30, 2003
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography
View Poster
Photos of the lecture

"Physics at the lowest temperatures ever achieved"

Wolfgang Ketterle

John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics
2001 Nobel Prize Winner

5:30pm, Thursday, November 13, 2003
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography

View Poster
Photos of the lecture

"Language and Evolution"

Noam Chomsky

Institute Professor of Linguistics

5:30pm, Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Venue: Multipurpose Room

View Biography
View Poster
Photos of the lecture

We welcome all MIT students and faculty to attend the lectures. A dinner with the speaker follows the talks at the Housemaster's residence of Professor Roger Mark. The

dinner is exclusively for Sidney-Pacific residents, first year Presidential Fellows, and other invitees. Due to space limitations, only 30 students who entered the lottery

and received notification will be invited. The dinner starts at around 7pm in apartment 568.

For more information, please email sp-cosi-chair (at

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