SP residents eager to try their hands at art have been celebrating the summer weather by breaking out sketchbooks and meeting weekly to draw outdoors – or, when defeated by heat or thunderstorms, in the SP library. Subject matter has ranged from portraits of fellow residents to sketches of trees, which means getting familiar with both human and vegetal inhabitants of SP.
Lately, SP resident Bomy Lee has volunteered as a model, transforming the gatherings into informal figure-drawing lessons. Residents start with quick “gesture drawings” – 15 seconds to as “long” as one minute – as warm-ups, then work on capturing long poses of up to 20 minutes. Accolades go out to Bomy for her impressive skill set of sitting still, standing still, and holding various contorted poses, occasionally while reading or discussing Russian novels with the artists, while said artists are staring at her continually and intently. Thanks, Bomy!
Art gatherings will be continuing throughout the summer, so anyone interested in doodling, chatting, and snacking with fellow SP-dwellers is welcome to join! No supplies required, and absolutely no experience or expertise necessary, as we provide both extra supplies and some informal instruction. Invitations go out weekly through the SP arts interest group, or drop a line to sp-outing-chair@mit.edu to be added to a mailing list.
By Diana Chien, SP Outing Chair
Photos are courtesy of Zhandos Orazalin and David Ly