Oh, the Things You’ll Learn!

by Fabián Kozynski, VP of Residential Life

Welcome to Sidney Pacific!

As you can see by the posters everywhere, this community is brimming with life. Being part of Sidney Pacific provides many things in addition to what you can get just by studying at MIT. By attending events at SP, you can learn from other cultures, or acquire different skills that you wouldn’t learn in the lab. However, that’s only one side of the SP coin.

Boris Braverman and David Rosen volunteer at the 2012 Orientation Brunch.  Courtesy of S-P Photofile.

Boris Braverman and David Rosen volunteer at the 2012 Orientation Brunch. Courtesy of SP Photofile committee.

To be the “greatest grad dorm in the universe” (in the words of our beloved retired housemaster Roger Mark), more than good will is needed. All of our events and initiatives are run by volunteers, residents just like you that have decided to step up and participate in the making of this community. The House Government is comprised of officers who volunteer part of their time during the year to improve Sidney-Pacific and make it a true community.

But even with that help, not everything can be accomplished. It takes many hands and many hours to throw some of our big events (and even the smaller ones). That’s where YOU can help! Even if you’re not in the House Government, you can volunteer to make this happen. Whenever there’s an event that needs some prep time, you can show up to help. You don’t have to go to all events, nor be there all the time, but your help is greatly appreciated.

Our volunteers get first hand experience in how to prepare large events, as well as the details that go in the making of them. From learning how to make our amazing french toast or our dorm renowned coffee hour guacamole, to being able to hoist our massive screen for outdoors movies, volunteering at SP teaches many important but often overlooked skills. More importantly, some of the people you meet while volunteering at these events may become great friends in the long run (this is an experience that many volunteers will be able to share with you).

Even if you think you don’t know how to cook (believe me, I can barely cook for myself), no previous skills are needed. Come, volunteer and the people in charge of the event (or other seasoned volunteers) will teach you the tricks of the trade. Additionally, there are many committees that, even though they don’t throw any events, will greatly appreciate your help: if you know how to code a webpage, contact the web chairs; if you want to know more about the plants and fish you see around SP, contact the plants chair or the aquarium chair; if you have a knack for writing, contact the newsletter chair.

After all this, I’m sure you’re thinking: how do I find out about these amazing opportunities for volunteering? For all of our events, officers will post a request in our mailing list sp-helpers@mit.edu. If you want to help other committees, and don’t want to wait for a call, you can go to our officer webpage and find out how to contact them.

Come and volunteer during Orientation (yes, even your own) to get a first hand experience in massive burger flipping and get to know many of the amazing people that make up SP.

I hope to see you around during the year.

Volunteers at the 2012 Orientation Brunch.  Courtesy of S-P Photofile.

Volunteers at the 2012 Orientation Brunch. Courtesy of SP Photofile committee.


How to add your name to the helpers account?

  1. Go to the SP website (http://www.s-p.mit.edu).
  2. On the left upper corner, go to “My Account”.
  3. Go to “Edit my Information”.
  4. Select the option that says “I would be willing to help out at S-P events”.

Useful links