Dreaming of flying? Ready to start? Already in training? The MIT Flying Club gives you wings to experience the fun and excitement of flying.
In the Fall of 2005, several MIT students banded together to start a new club at MIT dedicated solely to flying. However, the MIT Flying Club has been around since nearly the beginning of aviation. The “Technology Flying Club”, as it was known at the time, purchased its first plane in 1927. Interest in flying reached its peak in the late 1940s, when student members flew several different types of aircraft out of Beverly and Bedford airports. Later that year, two pilots, in an effort to attract new members, attempted to drop leaflets upon incoming freshman announcing the club.
The Flying Club was reborn in 2005 to provide members the opportunity to meet and interact with others who are interested in aviation. Throughout the academic year, MITFC holds a variety of informal gatherings where members can meet to talk about aviation, listen to lectures, and watch movies. In addition, MITFC organizes airshow visits and airport outings during the summer. Club membership is open to everyone, regardless of age and experience.
The Club also organizes fly-outs to nearby destinations throughout the year. If you would like to fly over Manhattan and loop around the Statue of Liberty, or fly-out to Martha’s Vineyard for a picnic, this is the place for you to find such opportunities. Fly over the MIT campus to experience the bird-eye view of the MIT Dome or spot your room at SP from the air. MITFC will give you the wings to do so!
If you would like to find out more about Flying Club, feel free to contact SP residents Vishnu Jyothindran (vishnu88@mit.edu) or Tamas Kolos-Lakatos (tkolos@mit.edu).
By Vishnu Jyothindran