Category Archives: Upcoming Event

This article provides an overview of an upcoming event

Sidney-Pacific Orientation 2011

As summer comes to an end, orientation season beckons us. The season begins on August 28th and officially ends on September 17th. Orientation events for the incoming graduate students are organized all over MIT including residential houses and dorms. Many different student groups are involved in the planning and execution phases of these events and a lot of hard work and thinking goes on behind the scenes. Despite the different flavors, locations, and faces involved in these events, all of them have one thing in common: their goal to welcome new students to their new home, new career and a new life. We, the Orientation Chairs of Sidney-Pacific, have many exciting events coming up for you: Rock ‘n roast BBQ and Outdoor Movie Screening, Orientation Dance Party, Welcome Reception, Open Doors Night, Ice Cream and Dessert Outings, Bike ride, Aquarium tour, Art Crawl and Sailing on Charles. Some of the large scale events like the BBQ and Dance Party attract hundreds of students because of their popularity while outing events are smaller in size and more focused. Some of the events will showcase the resources of Sidney-Pacific, giving you an opportunity to mingle with Sidney-Pacific residents, while others will take you out and around the Cambridge and Boston area. Let’s take a peek at some of these events.

Orientation BBQ. Enjoy the food and outdoor movie. (Courtesy of SP Photofile Committee)

The Rock ‘n Roast BBQ will take place at 6 pm on Sept 10th in the SP courtyard. There will be around 700 to 800 students relaxing on the grass and enjoying the evening. Live band music will be playing and the smell of BBQ will be in the air. We will provide a large variety of fresh fruits, sandwiches and burgers. You will also be able to purchase cold beer at a nominal price. Later in the evening we will screen an outdoor movie in the same area so make sure you find a good spot while you munch on your burger. Feel free to bring mats or pillows to add to the experience of outdoor movie watching.

The Orientation Dance Party at SP, which will be held on the evening of Sept 2nd, is a hugely popular event at MIT. You will be amazed by a fantastic DJ crew, superb light and sound system, and the dance floor skills of the students you just met! We will provide free snacks and beverages and you can purchase alcoholic drinks at a nominal price.

Participate in the Open Doors Night is a great way to meet other residents in SP. (Courtesy of SP Photofile Committee)

Open Doors Night on Aug 29th is a one-of-its-kind orientation event. In this event, current as well as incoming residents of SP host small parties in their very own apartment! As a new resident you are invited to all of these parties. Isn’t that cool? Some residents prepare appetizers, while others show off their dessert selection. Your job is to go from room to room, meet and greet the hosts while enjoying their hospitality and free food of course. You will see students walking across the hallways talking about the parties they had just been to and where next they might go. Don’t miss this fun event!

If you are an international student, you should definitely join the group for outdoor events e.g. Bike Ride and Aquarium Tour. This way you will experience the culture of the city where you will spend your next few years. If you are a fan of gourmet desserts, make sure to look out for Ice Cream and French Dessert outings.

A great way to make new friends while you enjoy these events is to get involved in the preparation. Basically you show up an hour early for the indoor events e.g. BBQ and Dance Party and offer a helping hand either in the kitchen, the courtyard or somewhere in between. You will be surprised to meet students just like you running behind the scenes and making these events successful.

Make sure you look up the latest Orientation Schedule for the exact time of these events!

By Birendra Jha and Hussam Zebian, SP Orientation Chairs

Additional Event: Wed September 21, 8-10p SPICE coffee hour

* Bold events denote events organized by Sidney-Pacific student government.

** Event schedules are subject to change. Please look up the latest orientation schedule at and for the exact time of the events.

Let’s Get the Summer Party Started!

Leila Pirhaji, SP Social Chair

Stephen Morgan, SP Social Chair

Getting bored of the summer?  Wish you had more exciting activities outside?  Look no further! The Sidney-Pacific Summer BBQ/Dance Party is just around the corner.  Come join us Saturday (July 23th) at 6pm for some amazing food, drinks and dancing in the SP courtyard.  Meet the new social chairs, Stephen Morgan and Leila Pirhaji.

As the new social chairs we want to do our best job to make Sidney-Pacific a fun and exciting environment for the graduate student community on campus. So if you see us around S-P come talk to us; please tell us how you feel about the current social events and what kind events you would like to see in the future.  This event is a perfect opportunity to get to know us; we want to know how you feel!

The event is tropical themed so bring out your grass skirts and coconut attire for the first summer event organized by the SP social chairs.  There will be plenty of foods (burgers, chips, fruit, etc.) and activities (water guns, volleyball, dancing) so come and tell all of your friends to join!

For more information, contact

By Stephen Morgan, SP Social Chair

Are you ready for some BBQ and dancing? Come to the event on 7/23!

Upcoming Events! July & August 2011

Sunday, July 17th – Sunday afternoon Jazz @ Café Luna

Wednesday, July 20th  – Coffee Hour

Saturday, July 23rd  – Summer Dance Party

Saturday , July 30th  – Asian street food summer market

Wednesday, Aug 3rd – Coffee Hour

Saturday, Aug 6th – Hall Councilor BBQ

Sunday, Aug 7th – August Brunch